Category: Clinical domain

N95 respirators vs surgical masks to prevent transmission of respiratory tract infections to staff in primary care

Radonovich et al. JAMA 2019 Sep 3;322(9):824-33
The advantage of N95 respirators over surgical masks in controlled settings were not demonstrated in preventing staff influenza infection in routine primary care.

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Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) as treatment for knee osteoarthritis pain

Steels E, et al. Inflammopharmacology 2019 Jun;27(3):475-85.
Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) cannot be recommended as a routine therapy for knee osteoarthritis in Australian primary care,

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Duloxetine as treatment for knee osteoarthritis pain

Osani et al. Korean J Intern Med 2019 Mar 15
Duloxetine (60-120 mg daily) appears to have a small to moderate beneficial effect on knee osteoarthritis pain and function at 3 months, compared to placebo.

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Isopropyl alcohol nasal inhalation for nausea in adults

Beadle et al. Ann Emerg Med 2016 Jul;68(1):1-9 e1.
Nasal inhalation of isopropyl alcohol provides clinically important relief from acute nausea, of at least a short duration, in community ambulatory patients

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EMDR as treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder

Bisson et al. Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2013 Dec 13(12):CD003388
Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) appears to be effective for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms.

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Oral cimetidine as the treatment of common warts

Yilmaz et al. J Am Acad Dermatol 1996 Jun;34(6):1005-7
The limited research evidence does not support the use of oral cimetidine as the treatment of common warts

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The combination of magnesium, riboflavin, and coenzyme Q10 for migraine prophylaxis

Gaul et al. J Headache Pain 2015;16:516.
The evidence for combination magnesium, riboflavin, and CoQ10 is at best equivocal for migraine prophylaxis

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Is oral orphenadrine beneficial for acute low back pain?

Friedman et al. Ann Emerg Med 2018 Mar;71(3):348-56 e5
Orphenadrine provides no benefit when used in addition to naproxen for acute low back pain

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Do statins prevent dementia?

McGuinness et al. Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2016 Jan 4(1):CD003160
Statins should not be used as a prophylaxis against dementia, as the only indication. The limited evidence from high quality randomised trials suggests no effect.

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Does vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) prevent non-melanoma skin cancer?

Chen AC, et al. NEJM 2015 Oct 22;373(17):1618-26
Nicotinamide (vitamin B3) has a small-modest effect as prophylaxis against non-melanoma skin cancers

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